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Enjoy the Best of Banff at this Exclusive, Invite-Only Event

Launched in 2023, the CITIZEN ThinkTank is an invitation-only event that combines the beauty of our home, Canada, with marketing expertise and incredible education sessions. 

ThinkTank guests will gain substantial value from this event, not only in the form of marketing expertise and educational sessions but also in enjoying the most affordable trip to Banff, AB available!

Over 4 days, you’ll participate in interactive sessions that will have you working on your business instead of in your business, engaging in discussions with industry experts, networking with other professionals in the senior living space, and collaborating with everyone to maximize your time with us.

All Expenses Paid
All Expenses Paid

All we ask of our guests is to book your flight to and from the event. Otherwise, everything you do and enjoy during the event is on our tab. Accommodation, transportation, food… You get the picture.

Face Time with Marketing Experts
Face Time with Marketing Experts

You’ll see presentations from marketing experts who work directly in senior living. They understand your industry, the challenges facing your teams and the opportunities. We strive to provide you with opportunities to innovate your business. And we’ll have a live “Ask Us Anything” Panel with those experts at the end of the event!

No Overcrowding
No Overcrowding

This event is by invitation only, so you won’t have to worry about fighting for time with our experts or getting your voice heard. We are only accepting a limited number of attendees to ensure every guest has the best experience.

Experience Beautiful Banff
Experience Beautiful Banff

We’re thrilled to host ThinkTank in beautiful Banff, Alberta! You’ll get to opportunity to see the Rocky Mountains, explore the town, or relax in a scenic spa. Whatever your preference, Banff can certainly serve you.

Our 4-day itinerary includes educational presentations and discussions, as well as extra activities to get the most out of your time in Banff. Check out the schedule for each day below. Some times and activities may be adjusted as we get closer to ThinkTank.

Day One

  • Guest Arrival Day
  • Welcome Dinner

Day Two

  • Activity Day (options will be provided)
  • 10:30 AM – 4:00 PM (meals included)
  • Dinner

Day Three

  • Depart for Banff
  • Educational sessions & workshops (lunch included)

Day Four

  • Final Day
  • Educational sessions & workshops (breakfast & lunch included) 
  • Depart for Calgary

How Do I Get Involved?

Complete the form below to be considered for ThinkTank 2025! Our team will be in touch within 3 – 5 business days.

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