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The Best-Kept Secrets of Senior Living Website Design & User Experience

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The Best-Kept Secrets of Senior Living Website Design & User Experience

Creating a senior living website that not only looks good but also functions effectively is an art and a science. Your website needs to reflect your community brand, be accessible and intuitive, and include all the appropriate information for both users and search engines. 

This blog will explore the essential elements of a senior living website, the importance of a well-planned customer journey, and insights from website development experts on critical aspects of website design.

Must-Haves of a Senior Living Website

As a foundation, every senior living website we work on must include the following:

  • About Us Page: This page should not just narrate your history, but also convey your mission, values, and what sets your community apart. It’s your first handshake with potential residents and their families.
  • Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): Each page should have a clear, compelling CTA – whether it’s to schedule a tour, request more information, or download a brochure. CTAs are the bridges that turn interest into action.
  • Optimized for SEO: Use relevant keywords, optimize your images and ensure that your website structure is search engine friendly. SEO is your ticket to being found online.
  • Location Information: Detailed location pages help in local SEO and provide visitors with useful information about the community’s surroundings.
  • Contact Us Page: Make it easy for visitors to reach you with a well-designed contact page, featuring a form, phone number, email, and possibly a chat option.
  • Individual Lifestyle Option Pages: Dedicate pages to different living options you offer (like independent living, assisted living, memory care). These pages should provide comprehensive information and help visitors understand what each option entails.

Through our years in the industry, we’ve found that these “must-haves” play a significant role in your website performance. Not only for potential residents and their families to find what they’re looking for, but to support your website’s rankings on search engines so those potential residents can find you. 

Mapping the Customer Journey

The customer journey through your website should be intuitive and enlightening. It’s not just about the information you provide; it’s about how you guide visitors from one point to the next, building interest and trust along the way. 

A well-designed journey helps potential residents and their families find the information they seek effortlessly, leading them naturally towards making contact or a decision. Our experts will work with you to map your resident’s journey from awareness all the way to decision. 

Expert Insights on Critical Web Design Elements

Website developer experts emphasize several key areas in web design and development:

  • User-Centric Design: According to Adobe, given 15 minutes to consume content, two-thirds of people would rather read something beautifully designed than something plain. A user-centric design approach ensures that your website is not just functional but also aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: With over 50% of global website traffic coming from mobile devices (Statista), having a mobile-responsive website is no longer optional. It’s essential for reaching your audience effectively.
  • Load Time Optimization: Google research shows that the probability of bounce increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds. Fast-loading pages are crucial for keeping potential clients engaged.
  • Accessibility: Ensuring your website is accessible to all, including those with disabilities, is not just a legal imperative but also expands your reach. Using alt text for images, ensuring keyboard navigability, and using readable fonts are a few ways to make your website more accessible.

Next Steps

The secret to a successful senior living website lies in understanding and implementing these critical elements, creating a seamless journey for your visitors, and keeping up with the latest in web design and user experience trends. To build a website with these considerations, contact our experts at CITIZEN.

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