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Category: Strategy

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Make Your Community Easy to Find with Local SEO

Woman holding small chalkboard with the words "Shop Local" scrawled in cursive in white chalk.

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is vital for any business, and senior living communities are no exception.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a strategy that is generally cost-effective and helps to generate more traffic for your website. But did you know that you can go a step further with your SEO by […]

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Boost Your Digital Presence with the Right SEO Keywords

Senior mother and adult daughter peer over a laptop with big smiles.

A robust digital presence is no longer a “nice-to-have,” it’s an absolute must-have. A key component of this presence is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), particularly understanding and utilizing SEO keywords effectively. With the right keywords, you can amplify the digital presence of your senior living community without breaking the bank. This blog details how and […]

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Find Better Leads for Your Senior Living Community

Paper folded fortune teller in orange with the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 listed on the 4 corners.

The power of predictive analytics, fused with advanced AI strategies, can’t be overstated in the evolving world of marketing. As this technology continues to evolve, it opens a world of possibilities for businesses to find better leads, save more time, save more money, and continue to reach the right people. For senior living owners and […]

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AI Tools You Can Use for Your Marketing in Senior Living

Artificial Intelligence spelled out in scrabble letter blocks on an orange background.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we approach marketing, offering unprecedented opportunities for growth and connection at a time when we need it more than ever. You have a unique opportunity to build better relationships with your residents and their families by using the tools currently available. And your communities will subsequently remain at […]

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What Your Senior Living Competitors AREN’T Doing (Getting Ready for 2025)

Older adults playing chess on a sunny day.

No, we didn’t make a typo. We’re serious—your competitors are not expecting you to start planning for next year when this year has just begun.  There’s not much to it at all. You can take an opportunity in early 2024 to prepare your marketing for the end of the year and the beginning of 2025. […]

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Top Keywords You Need to Use in Senior Living

Scrabble tiles spelling out keywords

Like personalized care plans in healthcare, effective SEO strategies for senior living communities require a deep understanding of unique needs and goals. Search Engine Optimization is a highly effective way to generate long-term growth and establish yourself as an authority in your area. In this blog, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of keyword optimization, […]

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How To Prepare Your Marketing for 2024

Computers showing pick background with online marketing strategies

The new year is upon us and it’s time to prepare your marketing for 2024. With ever-changing trends and the evolving needs of your audience, it’s critical that your marketing is aligned and clear with your messaging to reach the right people and make the right impact.  Summary: A marketing strategy review involves evaluating and […]

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10 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in Senior Living

A woman listening to music on her phone against a bright pink backdrop.

Social media marketing can be a valuable tool for senior living communities to generate conversions, such as inquiries, leads, and move-ins.  By using social media marketing effectively, senior living communities can not only generate conversions but also build brand awareness, foster positive relationships with prospects and their families, and establish themselves as trustworthy and reliable […]

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How To Design a Senior Living Website that Converts

Mobile responsiveness, intuitive navigation, localized content, brand alignment

Website design has never been more important than it is today. Your senior living website design is just as important as your website content. But why? The design of your website can tell a user a lot about your business and brand. A well-designed, well-curated website tells users that you care about your reputation and […]

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