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Category: Social Media

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10 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in Senior Living

A woman listening to music on her phone against a bright pink backdrop.

Social media marketing can be a valuable tool for senior living communities to generate conversions, such as inquiries, leads, and move-ins.  By using social media marketing effectively, senior living communities can not only generate conversions but also build brand awareness, foster positive relationships with prospects and their families, and establish themselves as trustworthy and reliable […]

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How AI is Reshaping Senior Living Marketing

Green background with the ChatGPT logo on the left

Seth Godin, author and entrepreneur, says that the best way to compete with AI is by being human. As AI quickly becomes a part of daily life, it’s easy to wonder how AI will impact your business and your marketing.  Fortunately, the senior living industry thrives on humanity. And your marketing can, too, with the […]

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5 Steps to Paid Social Media Success in Senior Living


Paid advertising on social media can be an excellent way to increase your brand awareness and generate meaningful leads, but only if it’s done effectively. In this article, we’ll review everything you need to know to have success with your paid social media ads. But First, What’s Your Goal? Before you can commit to any […]

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