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Category: Email Marketing

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How AI is Reshaping Senior Living Marketing

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Seth Godin, author and entrepreneur, says that the best way to compete with AI is by being human. As AI quickly becomes a part of daily life, it’s easy to wonder how AI will impact your business and your marketing.  Fortunately, the senior living industry thrives on humanity. And your marketing can, too, with the […]

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Marketing Automation: Best Practices in the Senior Living Space


Marketing automation is an essential marketing tool for your senior living community.  It can help you reach your target audience more effectively, streamline your marketing processes, and increase revenue. In this blog, we’ll discuss what marketing automation is, the benefits of using marketing automation for senior living communities, and easy ways to get started with […]

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How to Reach Senior Living Residents Directly


Marketing and advertising are often associated with “mass-messaging” strategies to reach the most people instead of the right people. With direct marketing, you can have more control over your message, who it’s going to, and when they’re going to receive it. You can make your message more personalized to your clients and avoid any “middle-man” […]

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How Does Marketing Automation Work in the Senior Living Space and Can You Do it With Empathy?

Vector image of marketing automation with computers and phones

Being successful in the senior living industry requires empathetic communication with potential residents and their families. This message needs to tell people that you care and that your senior living community is trustworthy.  COVID has created new challenges that have shifted the sales process for senior living communities. Marketing automation is one of the tools […]

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