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Why You Shouldn’t Cut Your Marketing Budget During Economic Downturn

Black and white calculator and bills

WHY YOU SHOULDN’T CUT YOUR MARKETING BUDGET DURING ECONOMIC TURNDOWN It’s easy to look at your financials and wonder if your marketing budget is something you need when people aren’t spending the way they used to. When economic times are tough, the first thing to keep in mind is that it won’t last forever. Think […]

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What Senior Living Communities Are Doing to Increase Hiring

Hands holding up a variety of resumes

High turnover rates and understaffed facilities are some of the most impactful weaknesses facing senior living communities today. High labor costs and a competitive job market create a domino effect that may lead to staffing shortages and lower quality of care for residents. Your marketing strategy does more than attract clients through website development and […]

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Advertising with Fair Housing Laws

A gavel with a house beside it resembling fair housing laws

Establishing marketing regulations helps ensure advertising is done legally and ethically. It keeps businesses on the same playing field and maintains trust with potential clients, so they aren’t misled or deceived. When it comes to marketing in the senior living space, it’s essential to be well-acquainted with the Fair Housing Act to ensure your advertising […]

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2022 Senior Living Website Must-Haves

Generic Senior Care Facility website on a device

Your website is the front door to your business and one of the most important tools you have for generating leads and connecting with interested people. Converting online visitors should be one of the fundamental purposes of your website.  Senior living marketers agree that their website is the most effective resource for accessing potential residents. […]

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Four Reasons Your Senior Living Community Should Consider Using Geofencing

The senior living industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years due to the advancements of the healthcare industry resulting in senior citizens having longer life spans. In the US alone, 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day, and 80% of seniors have at least one chronic illness, […]

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