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How To Design a Senior Living Website that Converts

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How To Design a Senior Living Website that Converts

Mobile responsiveness, intuitive navigation, localized content, brand alignment

Website design has never been more important than it is today. Your senior living website design is just as important as your website content. But why? The design of your website can tell a user a lot about your business and brand. A well-designed, well-curated website tells users that you care about your reputation and […]

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How Will GA4 Affect Your Marketing in Senior Living?

Data-driven marketing is essential to effectively reaching and communicating with your target audience. As Google switches from Universal Analytics to GA4, you’ll notice some big changes to how data is collected, as well as what kind of data is collected. For senior living communities, understanding the behaviour and preferences of potential residents and their families […]

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How AI is Reshaping Senior Living Marketing

Green background with the ChatGPT logo on the left

Seth Godin, author and entrepreneur, says that the best way to compete with AI is by being human. As AI quickly becomes a part of daily life, it’s easy to wonder how AI will impact your business and your marketing.  Fortunately, the senior living industry thrives on humanity. And your marketing can, too, with the […]

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5 Steps to Paid Social Media Success in Senior Living


Paid advertising on social media can be an excellent way to increase your brand awareness and generate meaningful leads, but only if it’s done effectively. In this article, we’ll review everything you need to know to have success with your paid social media ads. But First, What’s Your Goal? Before you can commit to any […]

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5 Reasons Your Senior Living Website Can’t Convert

Middle-aged woman and senior woman sitting on a couch together looking at a laptop screen

If you’re running a senior living community, having a website is crucial to attract new residents and fill vacancies. More importantly, your website is often the first point of contact potential residents have with your community. Your website needs to make a good impression.  However, just having a website isn’t enough. If your website isn’t […]

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What is Flat-Fee PPC Management & Why Does it Matter?


To understand the importance of flat-fee PPC management, we first need to understand how Google Ads and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing work.  PPC marketing is exactly what it sounds like; you only pay when someone clicks on your digital ad. Google uses several different factors to determine the price you pay for a click. Google determines […]

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The Importance of Accessibility for Websites: Your ACE Score


Creating and maintaining an accessible website is crucial in the senior living space. Technology can be a barrier for mature adults as it is constantly changing. Ensuring your website is accessible allows potential residents to reach you online with ease and confidence. Additionally, your ACE score can affect how your website ranks on search engines, […]

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How YouTube Ads Can Help You Reach Your Audience

senior couple looking at devices

YouTube ads can be an effective way to reach and engage your target audience, promoting your brand, products, or services.  There is so much you can do with YouTube advertising.  Using demographic targeting, you can show your ads to specific age groups, genders, or locations. Interest targeting allows you to reach people who have shown […]

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How to Reach Senior Living Residents Directly


Marketing and advertising are often associated with “mass-messaging” strategies to reach the most people instead of the right people. With direct marketing, you can have more control over your message, who it’s going to, and when they’re going to receive it. You can make your message more personalized to your clients and avoid any “middle-man” […]

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